How does food play a prominent place in Yoga-Sadhana?

Rocky C
3 min readDec 13, 2023


How does food play a prominent place in Yoga-Sadhana?

Let’s try to understand this.

In case you drive a car, which runs on petrol and if you try to run it by putting diesel in it. Would it work?

Yes. It might work, but not at its optimum condition.

Everyone on this planet is more or less aware of the kind of food that works for them except human beings. That’s because survival is the only concern for the animal kingdom. They are at peace when their stomach is full. The same is not true for us as humans.

Human wellness as a macro term comprises physical health, physiological health, and emotional health. The food that we eat affects all the above aspects thus by overlooking them, we are only to blame.

Irrespective of whether you are initiated into yoga, it is your utmost responsibility to discover the right food for you that can make or break you. If you are a slave of your sense organs, then sadly you would always be on the wrong side of the plate as your sense organs would choose on your behalf.

If you could develop a bit of inner body awareness, you would realize how a specific type of food has an effect on your physical, mental, and emotional health.

Now imagine, you go to the gym tomorrow to transform your physicality. The fitness trainers, dieticians, and the responsible people concerned with the designated job would take a look at your existing lifestyle, and your eating patterns and make the necessary changes in the macro and micronutrients that you ingest to make sure you attain the physical transformation that you are looking for.

Similarly, if you want to attain an inner transformation you would need the proper food intake and lifestyle to empower the health of the central nervous system and energies in you.

The gardener who wants to produce flowers and fruits takes the utmost care of the roots. He waters them, puts in the best of fertilizers, and provides them with proper sunlight for the flowers and fruits to blossom. So, you know, flowers and fruits are the by-products of utmost care taken of the roots.

Similarly, meditativeness is the by-product of the potency of your energies in your roots and the health of your central nervous system.

My work with individuals revolves around taking care of the roots, the potency of your energies, the health of your central nervous system, and their working in such a way that there is a flowering of your inner and the outer, your personality and essence so that you excel as a piece of life and attain growth in all aspects.

Thus, my work revolves around making your base strong so that when you stand tall, you know one way and that is to grow and move ahead.

It’s like you may be driving the car for years but it does not necessarily follow that you may know anything about the engine.

As you may understand driving a car is entirely different from knowing the internal mechanism.

Yoga is a profound science about understanding the workings of our human energy system and ways to empower the piece of life that we are in this existence.

Feel free to ping me on +91 9869012540 or leave your comments below in case you have any further queries.

