Understanding The Difference Between Bliss And Pleasure.

Rocky C
2 min readFeb 2, 2024
Understanding the difference between bliss and pleasure.

Let’s try to understand the difference between bliss and pleasure.

The majority of us misunderstand pleasure as bliss whereas they are two different things.

Pleasure is always dependent upon something or somebody.

One can never sustain pleasure.

Blissfulness is a state that is not dependent upon anything.

It is of your nature; once you are in touch with it, you are in it, that’s all.

Blissfulness is not something that you earn from outside; it is something that you dig deep into yourself and find out.

It is like digging a well.

When you dig your well, you have water throughout the year.

You have dug your well into yourself and you have found water that sustains you all the time.

Once you experientially know that whatever happens within you is caused by you and nothing else but you, you will be blissful.

Organizing this blissfulness is the work of your sadhana (daily practice).

Once you have the key to unlock the source of your innermost joy, you won’t be dependent on the other and thus will be free from bondage.

The more you seek pleasure, the more you will be entangled in the objects of pleasure. But the more blissful you become, the freer you become from everything.

Pleasure is desirable for someone who feels miserable but not for the one who is blissful, as pleasure is just a pale shadow of bliss.

I trust the above post was able to shed some light.

Feel free to ping me on +91 9869012540 or leave your comments below in case you have any further queries.

